Saturday, August 15, 2009

Library Book Givaway!

Its that time of year again! Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa) in August! The Pleasant Hill library is having their annual book giveaway next week! This is the event in which literally thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of books are available for anyone to take.

These are books of all genres and age level. And there is no limit to the amount you can take! Two years ago I took about 500 books to add to my school's library! Outside of the Super Bowl and the last day of school there is no other day of the year I look forward to more!

Here are the details!

August 17th - September 4th (excluding Sundays) from 9 am to 5:30 pm. Used books no longer needed in the collection available to you while supplies last.

Location:Contra Costa County Library, Shipping and Receiving Area


  1. What is the actual address of the Library?

  2. 75 Santa Barbara Road, Pleasant Hill, CA
