Sunday, October 17, 2010

Election Update

Here is the video from the City Council Candidates forum.

Around the end of minute 44 they begin to answer questions regarding the Pleasant Hill Library.

You can judge for yourself, but none of the candidates stand out as all that great.

It seems that candidates focus too much on a new building and not enough on the extension of hours and adding new staff. While a new building would be nice and pretty, I think the access to the library and having enough staff to accommodate its traffic is what really matters.

Here is my personal breakdown of each candidates responce:

Terry Williamson: Old excuse, old excuse, old excuse, and I don't know how to make air quotes

Suzanne Angeli: While initially sounds really bad, she actually does say, "I will always support funds to support this library."

Michael Flake: Library is not a priority AT ALL. Not in the least.

Michael Harris: Old excuses, begins with some promising statements, and then basically holds the Library hostage by saying if we don't vote for measure T we may lose the library altogether. Nothing like good old extortion to get some votes.

Jack Weir: Sounds a little crazy by telling Sacramento to essentially "go to hell." With that said, this is the only candidate to not only give support to the library but also give new ideas as to how to raise funds for it.

This isn't resounding endorsement, but I recommend Angeli and Weir for City Council based on these responses.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I’m sorry to have disappointed you at the candidate forum. The City has fiscal problems that need to be addressed first. I have talked with Jack Weir on this topic and I support his vision to combine the library with College Park HS and develop a new facility that could leverage uses by students during school hours, as well as the general public. This would increase access and reduce costs, as well as put the library into a new building.

    Sincerely, Michael Flake
