Monday, July 7, 2008

Random Thoughts: What are your favorite books?

In the comment section please give a list of your favorite books that you have read. This can give book club members who finish their monthly books early an idea of what to read.


  1. 10. Maus I & II
    9. Power of One
    8. The Martian Chronicles
    7. Hamlet
    6. Waiting For Godot
    5. Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo
    4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
    3. The Godfather
    2. Animal Farm
    1. Fight Club

    All are must reads!

  2. Has anybody ever heard of the classic "Green Eggs & Ham"? It's truly a don't miss book if you're any kind of a reader. The lessons from that book bring new meaning to life every time I read it.

    Also, if you haven't read the Blackberry user manual, that's a pretty good one too.

    See you guys in August!

  3. This is a fabulous idea! I can probably create two lists, one of "quality" reads and the other of "fun" reads.

    Here is my top ten Quality Reads:

    10. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
    9. The Secret Garden
    8. The Sun Also Rises
    7. Love in the Time of Cholera
    6. Pride and Prejudice
    5. The Great Gatsby
    4. Anna Karenina
    3. All of the Harry Potter books
    2. East of Eden
    1. Catcher in the Rye

  4. I know this is a top Book section but since this is a blog and I do what I want, here is my top authors...

    David Baldacci
    Micheal Connely
    Micheal Criton
    Vince Flynn
    Philip Jennings
    Earnest Hemmingway

    ...Mostly trash novels, I guess I like Trash?

    Oh yeah, I definately enjoyed this month's secondary read, Cat's Cradle by Mr. Kurt Vonnegut. He may make my list at a later time.

  5. I enjoyed reading these books, maybe you will too.

    The Falls
    Dream Country
    The Rapids
    Body of Lies
    Dance with Me
    The Red Diary
    The Innocent
    Crying Wolf
