With the start of the new year comes the New Year's reading resolutions. Last year I set out to read 30 books and 10,000 pages. I finished with 44 and just over 12,000 pages. Not too shabby. Here is some additoinal data on the books I read (made very easy to calculate thanks to goodreads.com)
31 of 44 were tangible books
I always thought my ratio of real to 'e' was 1:1, I guess I still favor the low tech a bit more.
2 of 44 were e-book only publications
both were not very good, straight e-book still not a good sign of quality. hope that changes at some point
9 of 44 were non-fiction
Again, always thought my ratio was 1:1, guess not
7 of 44 were graphic novels
Locke & Key series (5 of my 7) is a must read for any sci-fi fans, even if you're not a graphic novel reader
Longest book read: Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling (512 pages)
Shortest book read: Survival Tactics by Al Sevcik (22 pages)
also meh. (it was one of the straight to e-books)
Most Read Authors:
Joe Hill (5) Locke & Key Vol. 1- 5
Kurt Vonnegut (4) Mother Night, Look at the Birdie, Timequake, God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian
Four tied at 2: Orson Scott Card, Michael Crichton, Dean Koontz, Michael Lewis
Least Read Authors:
Millions tied at 0.
Favorite Non-Book Club Book:
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers
Least Favorite Non-Book Club Book:
The Lost Millennium by Florin Diacu
Anyway, back to the 2013 Reading Challenge. This year I am challenging myself to read 100 books! Here's the catch though, 12 of those 100 will be book club selections, about 4-5 will be other novels on my to-read list, the final 85 or so will be graphic novels. My real goal is to read the entire top 100 of the greatest graphic novels ever written.
I have a good chuck already read, but many on this list are only the first volume of a series and I'm sure I wind up reading many of the complete series.
To set your own goal click on the link below and share the details in the comments section of this post!
Happy Reading!!
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